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Ministry of sports and youth affairs-Annual Recognition (Recognition Letters)

MYAS to RFI-Lt F.No.62-3/2023-SP-III dt 22.01.2024-Renewal of Annual Recognition upto 31.12.2023

MYAS to RFI-Lt F.No.62-1/2020-SP-III dt 29.03.2022-Renewal of Annual Recognition upto 31.12.2022

MYAS to RFI-Lt F.No.62-1/2020-SP-III dt 23.10.2020-Renewal of Annual Recognition-2020

MYAS to RFI-Lt F.No.9-12-2017-SP-I dt 01.02.2019-Renewal of Annual Recognition-2019

Ministry of sports and youth affairs-Annual Recognition (Recognition papers submitted)

RFI to MYAS lt dt 14.01.23-Annual Recognition Renewal-Submission of Documents

RFI to MYAS lt dt 29.01.22-Annual Recognition Renewal-Submission of Documents

RFI to MYAS lt dt 20.04.21-Annual Recognition Renewal-Submission of Documents

RFI to MYAS lt dt 28.02.20-Annual Recognition Renewal-Submission of Documents

RFI to MYAS lt dt 24.01.19-Annual Recognition Renewal-Submission of Documents

Ministry of sports and youth affairs-Administrative Sanctions

SAI-NJCC for Boys & Girls-Adm. Sanction No. 039 dt 06.06.18.

SAI-NJCC for Boys & Girls-Adm. Sanction No. 282 dt 06.12.18.

SAI-SNCC for Men & Women-Adm. Sanction No. 313 dt 17.01.19.

SAI-NSCC for Men & Para Rowers-Adm. Sanction No. 312 dt 17.01.19.

Administrative Sanction No. 327 dt 22.03.19-AIRC-Bangkok-27th~31st March, 2019

Administrative Sanction No. 39 dt 09.05.19-Para Rowing Coaching Camp-M&W

Administrative Sanction No. 169 dt 13.05.19-Sub Junior Nationals-ARN, Pune

Administrative Sanction No. 48 dt 17.05.19-Para Rowing-WC II-Poznan

Administrative Sanction No. 59 dt 03.06.19-Junior Rowing Coaching Camp-M&W

Administrative Sanction No. 098 dt 04.07.19-Sr M-Coaching Camp at ARN-Pune

Administrative Sanction No. 102 dt 11.07.19-Sr MW-Para-Coaching Camp at ARN-Pune

Administrative Sanction No. 139 dt 19.07.19-WJRC-07th~11th Aug, 2019-Tokyo, Japan

Administrative Sanction No. 158 dt 30.07.19-2019 WRC-25th Aug~01st Sep, 2019-Linz, Austria

Administrative Sanction No. 135 dt 08.08.19-Sr W-Coaching Camp at SAI-Alleppey

Administrative Sanction No. 162 dt 04.09.19-Sr M-Coaching Camp at ARN-Pune

Administrative Sanction No. 205 dt 11.09.19-40th Junior Nationals, Bhopal-MP

Administrative Sanction No. 224 dt 18.09.19-ARC-Chungju-Korea

Administrative and Financial Sanction No. 232 dt 20.09.19-Asian Para Rowing-Chungju-Korea

Administrative Sanction No. 275 dt 11.11.19-Jr. Asian-Pattaya-Thailand

Administrative Sanction No 003 dt 18.12.20-Sr.Women for ARC and Asian Games

Admt Sanction No. 004 of 2020 dt 29.12.20-Sr. Men for Asian Games and Asian RC

Admt Sanction No. 005 of 2020 dt 29.12.20-PARA for FISA & Para Olympic Qly

Admin-Sanction No 48-2021 dt 17.03.21-AOPQR-2021-Rowing

Admt Sanction No. 21 of 2021 dt 09.06.21-ARN-Men-2021 AOOPQR-01.04.21~29.40.21

Admt Sanction No. 22 of 2021 dt 09.06.21-Bhopal-Women-2021 AOOPQR Camp-01.04.21~29.04.21

Admt Sanction No. 24 of 2021 dt 09.06.21-ARN-Men-2021 Olympics-24.05.21~17.07.21

Admin Sanction Rev No. 23 of 2021 dt 16.06.21-ARN-PARA Men-2021 AOOPQR-01.04.21~29.04.21

Admin Sanction No. 27 of 2021 dt 16.06.21-ARN-Men-WRC & AG-20.06.21~18.08.21

AS No. 43 dt 16.09.21-SWNCC-Jagatpur-04.10.21~05.12.21-General Camp

AS No. xx dt 23.09.21-SMNCC-ARN-04.10.21~05.12.21-General Camp

AS No. 56a dt 11.11.21-Pune-08.12.21~12.12.21-41st JN-Pune-2021

AS No. 56b dt 11.11.21-Pune-03.01.22~09.01.22-39th SN-Pune-2022

AS No. 71 dt 28.01.22-SWNCC Hyderabad-01.02.22~31.03.22

AS No. 71 dt 28.01.22-SWNCC Hyderabad-01.02.22~31.03.22

AS No. 71 dt 01.02.22-SWNCC Hyderabad-01.02.22~31.03.22

AS No. 77 dt 03.02.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-10.02.22~31.03.22

AS No. 71 dt 01.04.22-SWNCC-Hyderabad-04.02.22~31.03.22

AS No. 77 dt 09.02.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-10.02.22~31.03.22-Rev 1

AS No. 77 dt 21.02.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-10.02.22~31.03.22-Rev 2

AS No. 77 dt 15.03.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-10.02.22~31.03.22-Rev 3

AS No. 77 dt 01.04.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-10.02.22~31.03.22-Rev 4

AS No. 127 dt 01.04.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-01.04.22~31.05.22

AS No. 131 dt 01.04.22-SWNCC-Hyderabad-01.04.22~30.05.22

AS No. 131 dt 04.04.22-SWNCC-Hyderabad-01.04.22~30.05.22

AS No. 127 dt 06.04.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-01.04.22~31.05.22

AS No. 8 dt 11.04.22-PARA Camp-Revised-12.04.22~22.05.22

AS No. 8 dt 26.04.22-Revised Para Camp-12.04.22~22.05.22

AS No. 26 dt 28.04.22-WC2 Poznan, Poland-13.06.22~20.06.22-For Participation-Men

AS No. 29 dt 29.04.22-WC1-Belgrade, Serbia-23.05.22~30.05.22-For Participation-Men

AS No. 39 dt 06.05.22-13.06.22~20.06.22-Rs. 33,38,434.00-WC 2-Poznan, Poland-Participation-Women

AS No. 69 of 2022 dt 24.05.22-23rd SJN-Srinagar-2022

AS No. 60 dt 31.05.22-SWNCC-Hyderabad-31.05.22~12.06.22

AS No. 61 dt 31.05.22-SMNCC-Bhopal-01.06.22~12.06.22

AS No. 184 of 2022 dt 04.10.22-SMNCC-10.10.22~27.11.22

AS No. 185 of 2022 dt 04.10.22-SWNCC-10.10.22~27.11.22

AS No. 277 dt 29.10.22-2022 AJRC 29.11.22~04.12.22-Pattaya, Thailand

AS No. 289 dt 10.11.22-ARC-Pattaya-2022

AS No. 001 dt 23.11.22-42nd JN-Hyderabad-2022

AS No. 18 dt 02.06.23-Revised-WC 3-Lucern-04th~10th July, 2023

AS No. 30 dt 05.07.2023 31.08.2023 to 09.09.2023 Para WC Serbia

AS No. 36 dt 22.08.2023 07.09.2023 sep to 15.09.2023 China

Ministry of sports and youth affairs-Financial Sanctions

F Sanction No 327 dt 22.03.19 Asian Indoor Rowing Bangkok Thailand

Financial Sanction No. 48 dt 17.05.19-Para Rowing-WC II-Poznan

Financial Sanction No. 139 dt 19.07.19-WJRC-07th~11th, Aug, 2019-Tokyo, Japan

Financial Sanction No. 158 dt 30.07.19-2019 WRC-25th Aug~01st Sep, 2019-Linz, Austria

Financial Sanction No. xxx dt 18.09.19-ARC-20th~27th Oct, 2019-Chungju-Korea

Financial Sanction No. 275 dt 11.11.19-Jr. Asian-16th~22nd Dec, 2019-Pattaya-Thailand

Financial-Sanction No 48-2021 dt 17.03.21-AOPQR-2021-Rowing

Financial Sanction No 48-2-2021 dt 20.04.21-AOPQR-2021-Revised

FS No. 29 dt 29.04.22-WC1-Belgrade, Serbia-23.05.22~30.05.22-Exposure-Men

FS No. 26 dt 29.04.22 WC2 Poznan, Poland 13.06.22~20.06.22-Exposure Men

FS No. 39 dt 06.05.22-WC2-Poznan, Poland-13.06.22~20.06.22-Exposure-Women

FS No. 277 dt 04.11.22-2022 AJRC-Pattaya, Thailand

FS No. 289 dt 10.11.22-ARC-Payttaya-2022

FS No. 289 dt 23.11.22-ARC-Pattaya-2022-Revised

FS No. 18 dt 07.06.23-WC 3, Lucern-Revised-04.07.23~10.07.23

FS No. 34 dt 08.08.23-AG, Hangzhou, China-Boat Hire & Domestic Travel

FS No. 36 dt 21.08.23-Training Camp-Hangzhou, China-07.09.23~15.09.23

Sports Authority of India-Annual Calendar for Training & Competitions (ACTC) and Minutes of ACTC

SAI-Minutes of ACTC for 2018-19 dt 16.11.18-ROWING

RFI-ACTC for Rowing 2019~20

SAI-Minutes of ACTC for 2019~20 dt 06.09.19-ROWING

RFI-ACTC for Rowing 2020~21

SAI-Minutes of ACTC for 2020~21 dt 27.11.20-ROWING

RFI-ACTC for Rowing 2021~22

SAI-Minutes of ACTC for 2021~22 dt 01.06.21-ROWING

SAI-Minutes of ACTC for 2022~23 dt 07.04.22-ROWING

RFI-ACTC for Rowing 2023~24

RFI-ACTC for Rowing 2024~25

Roadmap for Asian Games 2026 & Olympics 2028 dt 04.03.24

Recognition from International Body-FISA

Recognition from Asian Body-ARF

RFI-Memorandum & Articles of Association ver 8c dt 10.03.24

RFI-Annual Activity reports

RFI Activity Report-2018

RFI Activity Report-2019

RFI Activity Report-2020

RFI Activity Report-2021

RFI Activity Report-2022

RFI-Rowing Achievements & Medals Tally in International Championships

RFI-ACHIEVEMENTS OF INDIA ROWING updated upto November 2024-All Medals

RFI-ACHIEVEMENTS OF INDIA ROWING updated as on November 2024-Indian Coaches

RFI-Elections-2020 (22.02.2020)

(1)RFI-Appointment of Returning Officer dt 14.01.2020-Re-elections of RFI

(2)RFI Extra Ordinary Election Meeting Notice dt 27.01.2020

(3)RFI Feb 2020-Election Guidelines With Forms dt 30.01.2020

(4)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 1-List of Valid Councillors from EO dt 04.2.2020

(5)RFI-Urgent Notice-Announcement dt 11.02.2020-EO Change-Ramu in ICU

(6)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 3-List of Nominations from EO dt 12.02.2020

(7)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 4-List of Valid Nominations from EO dt 12.02.2020

(8)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 6-List of Contesting Candidates from EO dt 14.02.2020

(9)RFI to MYAS lt dt 03.02.2020-Request for Observer for RFI ReElections

(10)MYAS to SAI lt dt 13.02.2020-Direction to depute Observer for RFI ReElections

(11)RFI-Elections-2020-Attendance for Elections dt 22.02.2020

(12)RFI-Elections-Acknowledgement for receiving Ballot Papers dt 22.02.2020

(13)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 14-Result of Counting of Votes dt 22.02.2020

(14)RFI-Elections-2020-Form 15-Declaration of Results dt 22.02.2020

(15)RFI-Elections-2020-Returning Officers-Final Election Report dt 25.02.2020

(16)RFI-Elections-2020-Justice Authinathans Retd Report dt 26.02.20


EGB-Attendance Sheet-25th January2020-Hyderabad

EGB-Minutes-25th January2020-Hyderabad

RFI-Right to Information Officers-2020~2024

Adverse Analytical Findings-NADA-Junior Campers-2019-Independent Enquiry Committee-Request for Infor

RFI-Executive Council Members-2020~24 With Sports Background Mapped-10.08.20

SAI Consent and Undertaking to Train. For Rowers, Coaches and Support Staff-Resumption of Training

RFI Selection Criteria for National Coaching Camps and India Participation


Athletes Commission

Competition, Regattas and Events Commission

CSR, Marketing and Finance Commission

Legal, Ethics, Discipline, Disputes and Arbitration Commission

Media & Publicity Commission

Talent Search & Development Commission

Umpiring Commission

Womens Commission-2020~24

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women (under POSH Act, 2013)

Athletes Grievances

NADA Rules 2021

2022 19th Asian Games, Hangzhou, China

RFI-2023 Asian Games-Hangzhou, China-Long List

RFI-2023 Asian Games-Hangzhou, China-Selection Trials-Schedules and Guidelines

RFI Elections-2024 (25.02.2024)

(1) RFI-Request to be RO lt dt 14.12.23

(2) Acceptance to be RO lt dt 28.12.23

(3) RFI lt to All Members dt 27.01.24-Informing of RO & Elections

(4) Lt from RO dt 29.01.24-Election Time table and Rules

(5) RO-Srinath Sridevan-Form 1-Electoral College List dt 06.02.24

(6.1)Proceedings No 1 dt 03.02.24

(6.2)Proceedings No 2 dt 06.02.24

(6.3)Proceedings No 3 dt 06.02.24

(6.4)Proceedings No 4 dt 07.02.24

(6.5)Proceedings No 5 dt 09.02.24

(6.6)Proceedings No 6 dt 09.02.24

(6.7)Proceedings No 7 dt 11.02.24

(6.8)Proceedings No 8 dt 11.02.24

(6.9)Proceedings No.9 dt 11.02.23

(6.10)Proceedings No.10 dt 11.02.23

(6.11)Proceedings No.11 dt 12.02.23

(6.12)Proceedings No.12 dt 12.02.23

(6.13)Proceedings No.13 dt 13.02.23

(6.14)Proceedings No.14 dt 14.02.23

(6.15)Proceedings No.15 dt 14.02.23

(6.16)Proceedings No.16 dt 16.02.23

(7)Form 1-Electoral College List dt 14.02.24

(8)Form 1-Electoral College List dt 16.02.24

(9)Form 3-List of Persons from Whom Nominations Received

(10)Please find the attached resignation letter received from Returning Officer Senior Advocate Mr Srinath Sridevan. Please wait for official intimation regarding New Returning Officer soon. Thanks and Regards, M.V.Sriram Secretary-General Rowing Federation of India (IND)

(11.1)RO-W B Srinivas lt dt 17.02.24-Acceptance as RO

(11.2)RO-W B Srinivas lt dt 17.02.24-Email ID taken Control

(11.3)RFI to all Affiliates-Appointment of New RO dt 17.02.24

(12)Proceedings 1 of RO WB Srinivas dt 17.02.24

(13)Proceedings 2 of RO WB Srinivas dt 18.02.24

(14) EMail dt 19.02.24 From RO-Objections from Vice President-RFI answered.

(15)Proceedings 3 of RO WB Srinivas dt 20.02.24

(16)Form 4-Valid List of Persons from Whom Nominations Received

(17)Proceedings 4 of RO WB Srinivas dt 22.02.24

(18)Form 6-List of Contesting Candidates

(19) Proceedings No. 5 of WB Srinivas dt 23.02.24

(20) Tripura Rowing Association to RO lt dt 21.02.24-

(21) Instructions to be Followed at Election Venue for casting vote dt 23.02.24

(22) Proceedings No. 6 of WB Srinivas dt 24.02.24

(23) Proceedings No. 7 of WB Srinivas dt 25.02.24

RFI-AOOQR-Selection Policy For 2024 Paris Olympics

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